Formula of Depreciation Estimation

Estimation Formula : Depreciation in Well-Fixed Asset Program

1.Formula ( SLY ) : is the calculation formula, therefore DP = ( Cost x Rate )/Number of days in that year X Number of estimated days

2. Formula ( SL ) : is the calculation formula, therefore DP = ( Net Value / Number of remaining days ) x Number of estimated days

3. Formula ( SLM ) : is the calculation formula, therefore DP = ( Cost / Number of estimated years x 12 ). This formula will not consider the number of days but DP will be equal in every month.

4. Formula ( DB ) : is the calculation formula, therefore DP = ( Net Value x (Rate x 2) )/Number of days in that day X Number of estimated days. It is the discount estimated formula.

Remark :

1. Estimation system based on actual number of days. When a year consists of 365 days or when a year consists of 366 days, it will estimate according to the actual numbers of days.

2. Rate = (100/Number of estimated years)/100

For example: Purchase asset for 10,000 Baht and start estimate DP on 01/01/2009 for 5years, it shows that this asset runs out on 31/12/2013, therefore, DP is as follows:


DP 31/01/2009 28/02/2009
SLY 169.88 153.44
SL 169.88 153.44


166.67 166.67
DB 339.73 296.42


Estimation Method

1. SLY: DP = ( Cost x Rate )/Number of days in that year X Number of estimated days

Rate = ( 100/5)/100 = 0.2 and Year 2009 consists of 365 days, and January consists of 31 days.)

DP = (( 10,000 x 0.2 )/365)x 31

DP = 169.88

2. SL : DP = ( Net Value / Number of remaining days )x Number of estimated days

From example, this asset is estimated for 5years ( from 01/01/2009 to 31/12/2013 ), total days are 1,826days

Jan. DP = (10,000 / 1,826) x 31 days

DP = 169.88

Feb. DP = (9,830.12 / 1,795) x 28days, Net = 10,000 – 169.88 = 9,830.12 and number of remaining days is 1,826-31 = 1,795 days)

DP = 153.44

3. SLM : DP = ( Cost / Number of estimated years x 12 )

DP = ( 10,000 )/( 5 x 12 )

DP is166.67 Baht per month.

4. DB: Formula ( DB ) : is the calculation formula, therefore DP = ( Net Value x (Rate x 2))/ Number of days in that year X Number of estimated days

Jan. DP = ( (10,000 x 0.4 ) / 365days ) x 31 days Rate = ((100/5)/100 ) x 2 = 0.4

DP = 339.73

Feb. DP = ((9,660.27 x 0.4 ) / 365) x 28 days, Net = 10,000 – 339.73 = 9,660.27

DP = 296.42