Frequently Asked Questions

Asset Management

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 2 formats
1. Recordassets in the Well-Fixed Asset software directly
2. Import data via Excel Template we provided.
It is Well-Fixed Asset standard funtion.
It is Well-Fixed Asset standard funtion.
It is Well-Fixed Asset standard funtion.
Could only attach 1 asset photo per 1 asset code.
It is Well-Fixed Asset standard funtion.
It is Well-Fixed Asset standard funtion.

Asset Register

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur justo nulla, viverra nec luctus id, dapibus a nisl. Phasellus ut egestas metus, vitae gravida diam. Duis luctus interdum congue.

It is Well-Fixed Asset standard funtion.
It is Well-Fixed Asset standard funtion.
It is Well-Fixed Asset standard funtion.
It is Well-Fixed Asset standard funtion
It is Well-Fixed Asset standard funtion
Our asset counting process requires taking a photo of the current condition of the asset every time. The photo taken will be recorded with the date, time and name of the person counting, so that the original photo will not be overwritten. The saved photo will be displayed in the path of the Well-Fixed Asset software, which can be checked.

It is Well-Fixed Asset standard function, available both when import and export

Asset Transfer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur justo nulla, viverra nec luctus id, dapibus a nisl. Phasellus ut egestas metus, vitae gravida diam. Duis luctus interdum congue.

It is Well-Fixed Asset standard funtion.
It is Well-Fixed Asset standard funtion.
It is Well-Fixed Asset standard funtion.
Yes, it can also be exported from Well-Fixed Asset software.
You can view the history in the Well-Fixed Asset software to see when the asset was transferred, who requested the transfer, and who approved the transaction. MB Tech has a solution that can be used together with the Well-Fixed Asset software.
 It is Well-Fixed Asset standard funtion which can be exported both in Excel and PDF file.

Depreciation Calculation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur justo nulla, viverra nec luctus id, dapibus a nisl. Phasellus ut egestas metus, vitae gravida diam. Duis luctus interdum congue.

Well-Fixed Asset software can equally calculate depreciation every month by referring to the SLY formula.
Well-Fixed Asset software can equally calculate depreciation every month by referring to the SLM formula.
Record depreciation each month according to the account and categorize by cost center.
the account statement after calculating depreciation will be displayed by account code and categorized by cost center.
It is Well-Fixed Asset standard funtion.
You can view the history in the Well-Fixed Asset software.

Asset Counting

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur justo nulla, viverra nec luctus id, dapibus a nisl. Phasellus ut egestas metus, vitae gravida diam. Duis luctus interdum congue.

This function is not available.
Our asset counting process requires to specify asset counting location each time before starting the process.
Handheld Scanner: Honeywell EDA 52 with Android 11 (Wifi+Cellular)
The asset will be listed according to the location user has recorded in Well-Fixed Asset software.
Well-Fixed Asset cannot support the detection of assets in close range like the RFID system. Instead, we use a QR code solution by scanning the QR Code on the asset sticker via a handheld scanner to see the actual current condition of the asset.
QR code is generated from Bartender Pro. Program.
Yes, there is and the result can be exported from Well-Fixed Asset.

Asset Disposal

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur justo nulla, viverra nec luctus id, dapibus a nisl. Phasellus ut egestas metus, vitae gravida diam. Duis luctus interdum congue.

2 ways to dispose asset from Well-Fixed Asset 1) using Disposal function 2) using our Excel import template to dispose assets
Our software can specify the assets that you want to remove or dispose from the software.
Our software can calculate profit/loss from asset disposal.
Yes, there is and the report can be exported from Well-Fixed Asset.
At the moment, this is not available in our software, but we have a solution that can be applied with the Well-Fixed Asset software. The requester, reviewer, and approver can be defined as you desire.
You can view the past history, except for transaction approvers, you need to use our software with the related solution.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur justo nulla, viverra nec luctus id, dapibus a nisl. Phasellus ut egestas metus, vitae gravida diam. Duis luctus interdum congue.

Well-Fixed Asset software calculate depreciation of asset only.
Asset Movement , Estimated Depreciation Report , Asset Aging Report , Expired Item Report

Well-Fixed Asset Program

Well-Fixed Asset Software has reliable features and functions that have been accepted by almost 400 leading companies both domestically and internationally. Our principle has always been to emphasize the value and benefits Well-Fixed Asset will provide to our customers. MB Tech hopes that this information will help you consider the best options and achieve your highest goals.