Frequently Asked Questions (IT)

Software Structures & Maintenance

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Well-Fixed Asset has 3 solutions: 1. On Premises 2. on Cloud 3. Hybrid


MS SQL, SQL Express, MS Access are all acceptable.


Can separate database, which will cost an extra charge.


Well-Fixed Asset software can separate a Company under a Group of Companies, which will cost an extra charge. That company will also receive a software lisence without affecting the closing and submission of annual financial statements.


If a branch wants to use the same program or database as the head office, they can connect the data through the same database server that the head office uses. However, if that branch is a separate company, we would recommend to separate the database so that it does not affect the closing and the submission of annual financial statements.


If it is on-premise and hybrid solutions, you must use Well-Fixed Asset through user’s computer only. But if it is on Cloud solution, our software can be used on any device that can access to Remote Desktop.


Counting asset by using handheld scanner with Android system to scan Qr code, record data, then reconcile in Well-Fixed Asset software.
Handheld Scanner: Honeywell EDA 52 with Android 11 (Wifi+Cellular) 
Handheld scanner has 1 year warranty and the battery has 6 months warranty under normal use. Initially, if there is a problem with the hardware, our consultant team can remotely check. Or send it to MB Tech directly for the consultant team to check and fix initially without any charges. If it is found that the parts need to be replaced or sent to the service center, our sales department will send a quotation for consideration every time before getting it repaired.   
Role management can be defined which functions users can see or use.
Username and passwaor can be set.
Our software has a history record of all functions used.


The annual maintenance fee for on-premises and hybrid solutions are calculated at 15% of the software purchase price in that year, and the price of Well-Fixed Asset Software increases by an average of 8-15% per year.


Well-Fixed Asset has no policy to increase or decrease the annual maintenance fee.


Well-Fixed Asset has no policy to increase or decrease the annual maintenance fee.


Usage rights can be set.


Our program backup can be downloaded and installed via Customer Portal, which is our online support tools, and it is accessible only for customers on maintenance. 


Database can be backed up using the Backup function in the software or back up via the database management program chosen by your company.


Well-Fixed Asset Program

Well-Fixed Asset Software has reliable features and functions that have been accepted by almost 400 leading companies both domestically and internationally. Our principle has always been to emphasize the value and benefits Well-Fixed Asset will provide to our customers. MB Tech hopes that this information will help you consider the best options and achieve your highest goals.